5G-TOURS: UC10 – Smart airport parking management. The WINGSPARK solution at Athens International airport

5G-TOURS leverages 5G technology to devise novel solutions for transportation-related applications. The Smart parking management use case relies on the mMTC and eMBB functionalities provided by 5G. 5G-enabled sensors installed at each individual parking position help keeping track of available spots in real time, facilitating the parking process within an airport as well as in […]

5G-TOURS: Remote health monitoring and emergency situation notification (UC6) and Optimal ambulance routing (UC9)

5G-TOURS leverages 5G technology to devise novel solutions for Remote Health Monitoring and emergency services applications. More specifically, an End-To-End solution for the remote monitoring of health condition of people, especially when already diagnosed with a critical disease still compatible with home care (e.g. some form of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc.) and their fast […]

ARTEMIS presentation in the Security Research Event 2022

ARTEMIS, the WINGS solution for the proactive management of utilities, offers physical/cyber security functionality. Instrumental is our work in the SecureGas project, which covered the entire value chain from Production to Distribution to the users, providing methodologies, tools and guidelines to secure existing and incoming installations and make them resilient to cyber-physical threats. This solution […]

WINGS participates to the new cluster π-ΝΕΤ, the 5G Competence Center.

WINGS participates to the new cluster π-ΝΕΤ, the 5G Competence Center. WINGS, as an innovations company that develops end-to-end digital solutions and transformations for vertical sectors, will leverage upon its experience in 5G networks, in order to promote the transfer of technological solutions and innovations to the production process, as well as the development of […]

WINGS ICT Solutions is supporting the EKDDA Gov 5.0 Hackathon

WINGS ICT Solutions is supporting the EKDDA Gov 5.0 Hackathon that will take place (hybrid) on 19 – 20 February 2022 in EKDDA (211 Piraeus Str., Tavros). ? The EKDDA Gov 5.0 Hackathon aims to activate the innovation ecosystem, organizations, and companies, as well as local government executives to promote the digitalization of Administration and Local Government as well […]

Reward by Hellenic fire department

Despite the uncertainty around the world in 2021 due to covid, our collective efforts & determination enabled us to create tangible value for our customers and local communities. The route wasn’t easy, but was rewarding. If there’s anything we have learned from the world of technology, it’s that developments happen fast.