“Pie cutting” celebration.

WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS is providing complete integrated, intelligent digital (software, hardware) solutions and transformation for vertical business sectors, based on advanced technologies. Last Friday night our teams from WINGS, INCELLIGENT and ditto came together for the “pie cutting” celebration ! It was a great chance to spend some time together outside the office and great […]

WINGS is the Project Coordinator of the new EU CONFIDENTIAL6G project.

WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS participated in the kickoff meeting of the new EU #CONFIDENTIAL6G project, which was hosted by the IMDEA Software Institute, in Madrid, on the 30th and 31st of January 2023. The #CONFIDENTIAL6G projects aims at ensuring reliability, trust and resilience for 6G infrastructures that integrated emerging AI tools, new hardware components and accelerators, […]

WINGS is participating in the new EU project TrialsNet

WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS participated in a three-day plenary meeting of the new EU project #TrialsNet hosted by Ericsson at the Erzelli Great Campus in Genova. Industry and academic experts gathered to lay the foundation for a project aimed at conducting full-scale trials in the next three years, based on B5G / 6G, validating applications of […]

WINGS is participating in the project on the European Defence Operational Collaborative Cloud

WINGS participated in the #EDOCC (the project on the European Defence Operational Collaborative Cloud funded by the European Union) kick-off meeting, at the @AirbusDefenceandSpace site in Friedrichshafen, Germany. With the EDOCC Consortium, major industrial actors of #Defence in #Europe are joining efforts in the EDOCC project to develop a disruptive approach for the exchange of multi-domain services. The objective is to […]

WINGS is participating in the Horizon_Europe, #Hexa-X-II project.

WINGS is building advanced technology for manufacturing, smart cities, enterprise- and consumer-applications. Happy to be participating to the kick off the #Horizon_Europe, #Hexa-X-II projects, in Espoo / Helsinki, Finland, which will contribute to the further shaping of the vision of 6G, will consolidate research and development streams, and will deliver first system-level views and 6G blueprints. Among […]

WINGS technology development specialist, co-founder, Panagiotis Demestichas, at the First Program of ERT radio.

A New Year full of challenges and prospects has started. WINGS intensifying its efforts in developing advanced solutions, especially, towards the transformation of diverse verticals. In this direction Valia Kaimaki will be interviewing our Panagiotis Demestichas (technology development specialist, co-founder). Panagiotis will share insights about some key technology trends of our times, what is expected […]

Season’s Greetings from WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS!

Season’s Greetings from WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS! 🎄🎄🎄 As another year is coming to an end, we would like to warmly thank our partners and customers for the trust and cooperation! We would also like to congratulate our staff for the enthusiastic, committed and most effective work, which led to excellent results, towards the realization of […]

Our Managing director & Co-Founder in the panel of Hetia/Emerging tech forum

Our Managing Director & Co-founder, Kostas Tsagkaris, participated in the panel of HETIA/Emerging Tech Forum, “IoT: pushing intelligence towards the edge”, where he highlighted that, although stakeholders and personnel are eager to embracing IoT technology in both public and private sectors, there is still lack in clear business orientation, acumen and exploitation paths, as well in expertise […]

WINGS solutions in the 24th INFOCOM

Don’t miss the presentation of our Technology Development Specialist, Panagiotis Demestichas, titled «Advanced Digital Transformation for Cities, Manufacturing and Infrastructures», in the 24th Infocom World 2022 conference. WINGS will present products, powered by IoT / (B)5G / AI, which can be cleverly bundled to deliver on the visions of smart cities, environmental sustainability, smart manufacturing / […]

WINGSChariot: Presentation of the Vital-5G activities in EDDVF2022

WINGSChariot: Presentation of the Vital-5G activities in EDDVF 2022 https://european-big-data-value-forum.eu/Most interesting sessions in EDDVF 2022. Fruitful discussions in the session organized by the DataPorts Project https://dataports-project.eu/, with the participation of Vessel AI https://vessel-ai.eu/ and VITAL -5G Project https://www.vital5g.eu/ . Our Panagiotis Demestichas co-owner and technology development specialist had a chance to discuss on 5G testbeds, data management, AI mechanisms revolutionizing transport and […]