WINGS participates in the IoT week conference, June 20-23, in Dublin

WINGS – ARTEMIS – proactive management of energy, water, gas utilities With great excitement we participate to the IoT week conference, June 20-23, in Dublin, Ireland. We are part of the Interconnect project booth (, in which we demonstrate AI algorithms for understanding energy demand, and for taking intelligence decisions, for making the satisfaction of […]

WINGS is supporting the Logi.c 22, logistics conference.

WINGS solution for logistics and industry 4.0: WINGSChariot platform.Our WINGSChariot team is supporting the Logi.c 22, logistics conference that will take place on June 24,25 in Marriott Athens. We will present WINGS solution for logistics and industry 4.0 applications, WINGSChariot, a platform suitable for end-to end logistics management, for optimizing warehouses and 5G-corridor operations that enhance the Smartification, Automation […]

WINGS in the EuCNC & 6G Summit.

Final day of EuCNC & 6G Summit.Mission accomplished.Glad to have seen colleagues from the past and to have met new ones.WINGS team returns following a week full of demos, paper presentations, sessions, discussions on prospects and follow ups.Stay tuned for more actions on the development of vertical solutions based on 5G / B5G / 6G. 

AQUAWINGS presented in the conference organized by the Fisheries Department of the regional unit of Etoloakarnania, on fish farming.

WINGS – AQUAWINGS platform.  We had the pleasure to attend the conference organized by the Fisheries Department of the regional unit of Etoloakarnania, on fish farming. We presented our AQUAWINGS solution and discussed with the producers, in a region where many fish farms have experience. AQUAWINGS delivers sustainable aquaculture and manages aquatic ecosystems, at large, […]

WINGS is participating EuCNC & 6G Summit,

Interested in seeing advanced solutions for verticals and consumers leveraging 5G, B5G, 6G? Meet WINGS team members at EuCNC & 6G Summit, June 7-10, 2022, Grenoble, France. Experience and see live demos of commercial solutions and prototypes on manufacturing and logistics (Hexa-X, Dedicat6G booth), transportation and health (5G-Tours), aquaculture (5G-Heart), as well as advanced tools […]

WINGSPARK in Safety4Rails project

WINGS – management of transportation infrastructure and mobility services. WINGS team presenting extensions to WINGSPARK for managing railway stations and delivering a holistic experience, optimized with respect to performance, safety and security. Presentation and demo concerns the case of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI) simulation exersice, which is the Italian railway infrastructure manager. WINGS presented its […]


WINGSPARΚ: The WINGS platform for the proactive management of transport infrastructures. WINGS is expanding the platform, which was originally designed and delivered in the market for parking services, towards the management of road infrastructures and railway / airport / port stations. A holistic optimized multi-modal passenger experience is envisaged, while optimizing the infrastructure. Therefore, regional […]

Interview of our Managing Director in Open TV.

Don’t miss tomorrow interview of our  Managing Director, Kostas Tsagkaris in Οra Ellados , OPEN TV at 09:30. Our company has been awarded with the SILVER best City Awards 2022 organized by BOUSSIAS in the category “Information systems & smart applications in mobility / transportation”, for the deployment of its WINGSPARK solution in the municipality of Lamia. WINGSPARK […]

Live demonstration of automated transit of trucks on the Greek-Turkish cross-border corridor

Can a truck cross the Greek-Turkish borders without the slightest input from a driver? WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS in collaboration with the Research University Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), COSMOTE, ERICSSON Greece and their respective Turkish partners prove that this is not a distant scenario, but the new reality that is about to change the transportation […]