AQUAWINGS: selected and pitching in the European Commission, Innovation Radar, Food & Agritech E- event,

AQUAWINGS is our solution for optimizing aquaculture, in terms of production (quality, quantity, wellness), cost and environmental footprint minimization. Excited and honored to have been selected for in December 13, in which our technology development specialist, Panagiotis Demestichas, will pitch. Congratulations to our AQUAWINGS team. Thanks to for the organization. Stay tuned for more news. #AI, #IoT, #5G, #sustainability, #foodsecurity, #foodsafey

Smart Cities: New brochure documenting the WINGS ICT Solutions offering.

WINGS exploits advanced technologies to deliver digital solutions for air quality and civil / natural environment protection (AIRWINGS), utilities, i.e., energy / water / gas (ARTEMIS), transportation infrastructures and mobility (WINGSPARK), aquaculture (AQUAWINGS), agriculture (AGNES), logistics and industry 4.0 (WINGSChariot), health and wellness (STARLIT). By combining a selected subset of our solutions our partners realize […]

MigraineNet, WINGS innovative application for predicting migraine episodes.

MigraineNet, WINGS innovative application for Android and iPhone phones for predicting migraine episodes. Migraine is a neurological syndrome that significantly degrades the quality of life of those who suffer from it. It manifests itself through intense headache attacks, affecting almost 15% of the world’s population.  MigraineNet, was developed by WINGS to support people suffering from migraine and […]

ARTEMIS, product meeting

ARTEMIS – the WINGS solution for the proactive management of utilities.Our absolute driver is the demand of our customers; our perception of the future and our forward-looking project, and, last but not least, our internal deliberations on product status and roadmaps.Absolutely thrilled to have jointly discussed and assessed the status, roadmap and opportunities of our ARTEMIS […]

International distinction for the STARLIT platform

WINGS proudly announces an international distinction for its STARLIT platform – the platform for proactive management of health and wellness. WINGS develops a platform targeted to the proactive management of Health and Wellness, and for assisting medical staff in their work, and patients / relatives in managing their everyday routines. Currently, the platform targets cardiovascular […]

Participation to the conference “FROM CHAOS TO COSMOS – Innovative Communities, Places, and Cities”

WINGS – Digital Solutions for Sustainable CitiesNext week will be exciting and productive for WINGS ICT Solutions.The participation to the conference “FROM CHAOS TO COSMOS – Innovative Communities, Places, and Cities” organized by MAJOR CITIES OF EUROPE hosted by the Larissa Municipality from November 2 to 4, 2022 can be highlighted, among the many things […]

WINGS is participating in 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management

WINGS – Advanced technologies for powering vertical transformation. Advanced technologies power the digital transformation of vertical sectors. The quest for advanced technologies is always in the objectives of WINGS. Looking forward to the 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management that will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece // 31 October – 4 November 2022 in […]