WINGS in the Network-X event, in Amsterdam RAI

Advanced solutions for verticals require advanced technologies. Our Senior Solutions Architect Dr. Sokratis Barmpounakis will be discussing during next week’s Network-X event, in Amsterdam RAI, how AI-driven communication & computation co-design solutions will boost 6G network performance and applications, on behalf of the EU Flagship Hexa-X project.


AQUAWINGS team is ready for the AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2022, which will be held on September 27-30, 2022, in Rimini, Italy. Join us in our booth No 33 to see sustainable aquaculture, at large, powered by IoT, 5G and AI. AQUAWINGS innovates through real-time data from underwater cameras and sensors, and AI-powered algorithms that give unprecedented […]

WINGS is participating in the 2nd Digital Beach Summit.

WINGS provides complete integrated, intelligent digital (software, hardware) solutions and transformation for vertical business sectors, based on advanced technologies. As a matter of fact, more than 20 solutions, which fall within the smart city / region realm (air / safety, energy / water, transport, health, and others), are currently offered to various municipalities. In this […]

WINGS ICT SOLUTIONS was assigned contracts for fire detection in the forests of Volos and Alonissos

WINGS – AIRWINGS – Environment and Citizen Protection / Air quality management. WINGS was awarded contracts, following respective tenders, for delivering early fire detection systems in the forests of Volos and Alonissos. The intelligent fire detection system will be installed by WINGS, in execution of these contracts, in selected spots of the forests of  Alonissos and […]

AGNES: Demonstrated how WINGS products and technologies can complement the vision towards a sustainable farm-to-fork context.

WINGS – AGNES Platform for agriculture and food safety, farm to fork approaches. AGNES is suite of tools developed for covering production (poultry, livestock, crops and grains and others), logistics, food safety in factories. Intensive work progresses through various streams. WINGS demonstrated novel technologies in the context of the midterm evaluation meeting of H2020 DiTECT […]

New projects associated with the WINGSChariot and the WINGSPARK  platform on transport and logistics.

The WINGSChariot platform is being developed to address selected needs of the logistics sector and of industry 4.0. AGV-powered warehouse operations, reliable and safe goods transfer in “corridors”, and focused optimization on storage / order management / goods distribution are currently offered. WINGSPARK is becoming a platform for the proactive management of transportation infrastructures and […]

ARTEMIS: new WINGS projects will start associated with the platform.

ARTEMIS is the product of WINGS that is oriented to the proactive management of water, energy, gas infrastructures. Based on the WINGS approach, it combines advanced technologies (IoT, AI, advanced networks and visualizations) with domain knowledge, to address diverse use cases: efficient metering (24/7, secure), optimizations (e.g., maximization of revenue water, of share of renewables […]

Participation to the panel of the IEEE Meditcom 2022 conference.

WINGS – Advanced technologies for powering vertical transformation.Advanced technologies power the digital transformation of vertical sectors. The quest for advanced technologies is always in the objectives of WINGS. Looking forward to the panel on “Integrated Sensing and Communications for Industrial Applications”, which will take place on September 7, 2022, in the context of the IEEE […]

WINGS is the Gold sponsor of the “12th Infocom mobile Connected” conference

Don’t miss tomorrow presentation of our Sales Director, Lydia Tsiouka, for the 5G Services and the role of 6G during the 12th Infocom mobile Connected conference. WINGS will present 5G-powered products and services for environment,  the manufacturing, logistics / transportation, aquaculture, digital health etc. WINGS leverages on 5G to advance its solutions for the environment (AIRWINGS), […]

New video for WINGSPARK solution

WINGS-WINGSPARK-Smart Management of Transportation / Mobility / Venues. WINGS solution aims at enhancing mobility and accessibility while promoting secure/safe and trustworthy transportation and navigation. This in turn, impacts everyday life with smart real-time transportation information and insights. We leverage IoT / robots / OBUs (Onboard Processing Units) / RSUs (Road-Side Units), 4G/5G/LoRa, cloud and big […]