Published on 31/01/2022

About the project:
The latest advancements in 5G technologies, architectures and facilities are reducing the gap towards the deployment of operational infrastructures, and the “eve” of commercial 5G services. Recently, many technologies for the 5G radio and core network have been developed, also with a substantial support of 5G PPP co-funded projects. All these technologies and solutions are currently being validated by vendors, researchers and operators in labs and small field trials in various EU countries and worldwide. However, the imminent market needs, compel the existence of 5G end to end facilities capable of supporting extensive and realistic trials. The market of 5G services will be built around the needs and demands of key vertical industries operating in very different and heterogeneous areas, from Industry 4.0 to public Utilities, Smart Cities and Smart Transportation. To accomplish the challenging goals put forth by these industries, 5G EVE plans to:
- Establish a European 5G end-to-end facility that will enable work with all the envisaged 5G technologies, including new radio (NR), MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing), backhaul technologies, core and service technologies, slicing and orchestration, etc. and that will be capable of supporting eMBB, uRLLC and mMTC functionality.
- The facility will be compliant with standards (reference ones for 5G are maturing fast in 3GPP, ETSI, ITU-T), expandable (i.e., in terms of new technologies and further sites), and will offer advanced 5G testing mechanisms.
- Create mechanisms that will facilitate the verticals in their experimentation utilizing high-level interfaces and APIs (Application Programmers Interfaces) that will abstract the complexity of the underlying network complexity.
The 5G EVE concept consists in further developing and interconnect four existing European sites (Athens, Madrid, Paris, Torino) to form a unique 5G end to end facility, which will be offered to the vertical industries for pilots’ execution and validation. The overall concept and high level architecture of the end-to-end 5G EVE facility is shown in Figure below.
Figure: 5G EVE concept
5G EVE has the following high-level objectives
- Objective 1: Create a European 5G end to end facility (Technical)
- Objective 2: Evolve the 5G end to end facility following relevant 5G standards towards 3GPP R16 and beyond 5G (Innovation)
- Objective 3: Validate the 5G EVE end to end facility according to the 5G PPP network KPIs (Technical)
- Objective 4: Provide interworking facilities (data and control plane), and “multi-x” slicing and orchestration functionality enabling concurrent trials spanning multiple site facilities (Technical)
- Objective 5: Develop a vertical-oriented open framework, consisting of intent-based mechanisms, APIs, and tools, facilitating the specification and deployment of multiple, end-to-end, multi-site and concurrent trials (Innovation)
- Objective 6: Develop a common methodology across the 5G EVE end to end facility for consistently performing tests, KPI evaluation, technology-benchmarking, and performance diagnosis (Innovation)
- Objective 7: Engage with external verticals, core applications, and projects from other H2020 initiatives, as users of the 5G EVE end to end facility (Dissemination)
- Objective 8: To enhance the openness of the 5G EVE end to end facility by allowing modular replacement of components and the coexistence of proprietary and Open Source technologies (Innovation)
- Objective 9: Contribute to relevant 5G standardization for a (Innovation)
- Objective 10: Validate the strategic business and technical impact of 5G EVE ecosystem ensuring long term sustainability and allowing existing stakeholders and external users to understand and exploit the project results (Business)
Use cases/verticals
The final release of the 5G EVE end to end facility will be vertical-agnostic and will be able to support a large variety of vertical use case in need of reliable, low-latency and high-bandwidth communications. However, to assist development and address existing needs the project will originally focus on six vertical industry use cases, namely:
- Smart Transport (uRLLC & mMTC service)
- Smart Tourism (uRLLC & eMBB service)
- Industry 4.0 (uRLLC service)
- Utilities / Smart energy (uRLLC & cMTC service)
- Smart City (uRLLC, eMBB & mMTC service)
- Media & Entertainment (uRLLC, eMBB & mMTC service)
WINGS involvement
In 5G EVE, WINGS will be leading WP5 as well as Tasks T4.1, T5.3 and T5.4, while at the same time acting as the deputy coordinator for the Athens based facility and applying its IoT expertise and IoT platform in the context of the selected “utilities” and “smart city” vertical industries. Moreover, WINGS is going to contribute in most of the technical work packages in terms of (i) participation in requirements definition and analysis from stakeholders and vertical industries, (ii) participation in design and implementation of frameworks and architectures (system, KPI collection, testing) and (iii) software and tool development for experimentation, testing and post-processing. In summary WINGS will:
- Lead the design and implementation of a testing and validation suite of tools including a performance diagnosis mechanism as WP5 leader
- Lead the design and development of user experimentation tools for vertical industries including ‘intent-based’ interfaces
- Lead the Quality Assurance activities as the Quality Assurance Managers for the entire project
- Heavily contribute to the upgrades and use case implementation on the Greek testbed as deputy coordinators of the Athens 5G facility
- Assist OTE with the cross-vendor integration of 5G technologies to implement a ‘unified’ and interconnected 5G E2E facility
- Coordinate the implementation of the three selected vertical use cases (Industry 4.0, Utilities, Smart city) of the Athens 5G testbed among the Greek site participants
- Provide smart grid solutions for the utilities use case implementing ultra-fast / reliable fault detection and management
- Provide e-Health and predictive analytics solutions for the smart city use case
WINGS prospects /exploitation
Based on the know-how and skills gained from the 5G EVE project, WINGS plans to consolidate its platforms into a suite capable of providing sensors and microcontrollers; connectivity and edge cloud management (5G, MEC, 4G, LoRa/Wi-Fi); data ingestion and management; analytics and predictions; decisions and apps. Such a development would create a competitive advantage for WINGS and will strengthen its position regarding future research and experimentation/testing initiatives. Additionally, WINGS will identify opportunities for technology transfer into the industry, e.g. by conveying technological know-how and/or integrating some of the experimentation tools developed and showcased in 5G EVE, in future collaborations with industrial partners including telecom manufacturers/operators, software development companies and vertical industries particularly in the areas of utility management and smart cities.
Awards & demonstration video
Introduction of Advanced Smart City Applications by means of 5G
Intent-based mechanisms for vertical services and experiment specification over 5G infrastructures
Resolving Outages and Ensuring the Stability of Smart Grids
Framework: H2020/5GPPP Phase 3
This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No 815074