Published on 28/01/2022

About the project: The contamination of food is a worldwide concern for public health and a cause of international trade problems. Researchers and industrial and food authorities representing the agro-food industry in the EU and China will work together to develop an integrated framework for real-time detection, assessment and mitigation of biological, chemical and environmental contaminants throughout the food supply chain. This collaboration is part of the EU-funded DiTECT project, which will develop a standards-based, modular, Big Data-enabled platform capable of accurately predicting food safety parameters of a given food product based on data collected in real time via cost-efficient sensors relevant to crop, grain storage, livestock and, finally, in the food supply, incorporating blockchain processes. The project’s service will be demonstrated in four real-world pilots with the active engagement of 21 EU Member States.
WINGS Role: WINGS participates to the development of the data management ICT platform which includes data collection, data analysis, data base storage and analytic algorithms for decision-making. Moreover, WINGS leads the development of a web-based interactive decision-support food safety system. Finally, WINGS will participate to the activities related to dissemination and exploitation of developed technologies and knowhow during the DiTECT project. WINGS will be involved in training activities as well.
This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No 861915