Published on 28/01/2022

A flagship for B5G/6G vision and intelligent fabric of technology enablers connecting human, physical, and digital worlds.
About the project: At a time when Europe and the rest of the world are dealing with major obstacles, future challenges will need to be met to ensure growth and sustainability. Post-pandemic, a clear vision is needed to guarantee digital inclusion and ensure health and safety while working towards environmental goals. The EU-funded Hexa-X project seeks to contribute to shape this vision, and develop tools necessary to bring the next generation of wireless communications to Europe and beyond. It will achieve this by working on groundbreaking communication technologies, architectures and artificial intelligence-enabled networks. This will help secure growth and sustainability while creating the future of wireless communications worldwide.
WINGS Role: WINGS is contributing to use cases and scenarios of the project, architecture and sustainability activities, as well as to the mapping of the B5G/6G vision onto an architecture. Moreover, WINGS works on the optimal deployment of AI/ML based functionality (with respect to performance, energy efficiency, security, accuracy), and realization of knowledge sharing in distributed/federated learning contexts. Also, in the context of the project, WINGS will proceed to the identification of gaps in which AI may improve the efficiency of B5G/6G, and of challenges to be addressed for obtaining a communication/computing infrastructure that will support the AI mechanisms. The work will include evaluation and contribution to the demonstration of the functionality. WINGS also works on flexible topologies. There will be leverage on local mesh networks and clouds, which will be enhance and integrated to act as coordinated extensions of the infrastructure, in order to deliver solutions to a vertical, characterized by coverage extension, low latency, energy efficiency, security, etc. Included will be cases of flexible distribution of functionality between the devices, in the local structure, and the edge nodes. The work will include demonstration of the functionality titled “Flexible topologies for efficient infrastructure extensions”. WINGS will focus and lead the work on the evolution of orchestration work towards B5G/6G, through advances in the area of intent-oriented interfaces (declaring requirements), on diagnostics (with emphasis on service performance optimization aspects), and on the application of CI/CD features for service management (mitigation, improvements aspects). WINGS will work on the gap analysis, the resource allocation, dependability and HMI. Based on these and background technologies, a proof of concept will be built, in the area of industrial environments. The goal is the delivery of needed reliability/dependability and latency levels, in most resource efficient manner, while supporting “humans in the loop” concept and handling unexpected situations. Also, WINGS will work on proof of concept in the area of serving rural areas, by considering also flexible resource allocation and sharing as an option, in the event of critical situation, and/or simply for ensuring service continuity. Demonstrations related to “Extreme performance in handling unexpected situations in industrial contexts through B5G/6G enablers” will be held in selected events, in which WINGS participates too. Finally, WINGS participates to conferences/fares, interacting with pre-standardization groups, especially for shaping PoCs, and in defining strategies for exploitation.
This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No