Published on 31/01/2022

About the project:
The motivation is to hugely support the MaaS concept by providing distinct features such as Mobilty Services Aggregator across the whole EU and addressing citizens’ concerns.
To achieve sustainable travel in urban and interurban areas and across borders by replacing private vehicle ownership by private vehicle use. The project looks into connecting services from various service providers and providing the traveler with alternatives to replace their own vehicle trip with combined shared vehicles and multimodal transport solutions. The project is part of the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept that puts users at the core of transport services, offering them tailor-made mobility solutions based on their individual needs.
Use cases/verticals
- To research and pilot use cases on transportation and travel.
- Further use cases to be added in the course of the project.
WINGS involvement
WINGS ICT Solutions will deliver a system for enabling users to plan/re-plan their itineraries in/between smart cities, considering all available public/private transportation means, which can be used in a certain time-range under certain conditions, and by selecting the best ones according to the transportation objective/constraint (starting point, end point, timings), the city events, environmental conditions (e.g., weather, pollution), the user health, and live traffic data.
WINGS prospects /exploitation
To incorporate novel MaaS services, through combining data from vendors connected services, in its platform.
Awards & demonstration video
Framework: H2020
Duration: 06.2017 – 05.2020
This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No 723384