Published on 28/01/2022

Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental, economic and social wellbeing
About the project: Unsustainable management and climate change are increasing land degradation and threatening soil biodiversity. Urgent action is thus required to mainstream sustainable soil management practices. However, major knowledge gaps related to biodiversity and soil-mediated ecosystem services must be addressed. The EU-funded SOILGUARD project will therefore develop a conceptual and analytical framework with the potential to become the global standard for future assessments of soil biodiversity status. All knowledge will be shared through SOILGUARDIANS, a predictive tool based on the links between soil biodiversity, soil multifunctionality and wellbeing to support stakeholders in their transition to sustainable management. SOILGUARD will co-create evidence-based conservation recommendations for policies and frameworks at the EU and international level and support Member States commitments under the Global Soil Partnership.
WINGS Role: WINGS participates in SOILGUARD in the co-design of Strategic Plan including the Soil Biodiversity and Soil-ES evaluation and assessment framework, as well as in the engagement activities. Taking input from all WPs, we are leading the development and validation of the SOILGUARDIANS app prototype in 7 EU NUTS-2 regions and will participate in the creation of the hypermodels within the DSS. WINGS also ensures the link of the conservation, policy and management practices analysis and recommendations set in this WP with the SOILGUARDIANS app. Throughout the duration of the project, we will carry out specific Communication and Dissemination activities related to the mentioned tasks.
Website: TBA
This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No