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Published on 31/01/2022

Knowledge as a Service for Assisted Living in Smart City prototype implementation

About the project:

WINGS ICT Solutions is one of the FIESTA-IoT 3rd Open call winners in the category Innovation!

FIESTA-IoT provides toolstechniquesprocesses and best practices enabling IoT testbed/platforms operators to interconnect their facilities in an interoperable way based upon cutting edge semantics-based solutions.

WINGS will exploit the FIESTA-IoT framework for experiment-based validation of its Knowledge as a Service for Assisted Living in Smart City (KaaS_SCL)  prototype implementation (done in the research project iKaaS).

KaaS_SCL platform functionality will be opened up to third parties via the FIESTA-IoT. Experimentation is a vital next phase as it will enable the provision of critical insight on the performance of the KaaS_SCL components, to allow for its further exploitation and commercialisation.

Knowledge as a Service for Assisted Living in Smart City (KaaS_SCL) provides smart, personalised assistance to individuals indoors and outdoors based on the user profile as well as predictions on health status, traffic, weather, pollution, etc. KaaS_SCL offers a combination of services:

  • Automated indoor environment adaptationwith functionality for learning user patterns to forecast user desires regarding indoor environment/home appliances configuration and proactively take actions/offer recommendations.
  • Remote Health Monitoring and Forecastingcomprising functionality for learning patterns in user physical status to identify any abnormality in usual patterns. Family members and/or professional caretakers can be informed and appropriate alarms may be raised if necessary.
  • Smart city lifeproviding navigation instructions, information on dangerous locations in the proximity, public transportation help considering user preferences and health/well-being status and a city dashboard.

Our approach includes: (a) Specification of experiment scenarios, validation/performance metrics and drafting of a usability testing plan for the FIESTA-IoT platform and the KaaS_SCL experiment (b) Set-up of the KaaS_SCL experimentation framework through the integration of the corresponding prototype with FIESTA-IoT facilities; (c) Experiments, results-analysis (including user experience) and refinements. (d) Promotion of the validated KaaS_SCL experimentation framework and of the FIESTA-IoT platform, through intense dissemination and demonstrations activities.

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Framework: Fiesta-IoT 3rd Open Call

Duration: 01.09.2017-28.02.2018

This project has received funding from the Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No 643943

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