Published on 26/11/2022
Don’t miss the presentation of our Technology Development Specialist, Panagiotis Demestichas, titled «Advanced Digital Transformation for Cities, Manufacturing and Infrastructures», in the 24th Infocom World 2022 conference.
WINGS will present products, powered by IoT / (B)5G / AI, which can be cleverly bundled to deliver on the visions of smart cities, environmental sustainability, smart manufacturing / efficient solutions towards industry 4.0, sustainable food security / safety.
Visit us at the WINGS booth to see and discuss on the status and new versions of our products, which leverage on advanced technologies to deliver sophisticated solutions:
(1) AIRWINGS for air quality (outdoor / indoor, in production and manufacturing), civil and environment protection (fire protection).
(2) ARTEMIS for the proactive management of utilities (energy, water, gas infrastructures);
(3) WINGSPARK for advanced mobility services and for the management of transport infrastructures (parking lots, stations, roads / bridges).
(4) AQUAWINGS for sustainable and effective aquaculture.
(5) AGNES for sustainable agriculture and food safety.
(6) WINGSChariot for logistics and industry 4.0 applications.
(7) STARLIT for health / wellness.
Looking forward to two days of exciting talks in our yearly meet-up in this year’s InfoWorld (Infocom World), in Athens Greece.
#iot, #ai, #5g, #trustworthyai, #sustainability, #inclusion, #growth